Elevate & Energise

What is Elevate & Energise?| How does Elevate & Energise benefit your wellbeing

Elevate & Energise Description:

Welcome to Elevate & Energise Where Play Meets Functional Movement! Our class is a holistic journey designed to enhance the wellness of your physical, energetic, and emotional body.


What to Expect in Elevate & Energise

Using tools like foam rollers or dumbbells, we’ll guide you through loaded movements that not only build strength but also open up your body, taking mobility to a whole new level. Imagine feeling open, free, mobile, tall, and light – these are just some of the words our participants use to describe their post-class experience.

Elevate & Energise ‘s Benefits

Increased strength and mobility: The loaded movements and functional exercises in our class will help build strength in your muscles while also improving your flexibility and mobility.

Enhanced energy levels: As you engage in our class, you’ll experience an increase in energy levels. The combination of physical movement and energizing exercises will leave you feeling invigorated and ready to take on the day.

Improved body awareness: Through our holistic approach, you’ll develop a deeper connection to your body and become more aware of its movements. This increased body awareness can lead to better posture, a more coordinated movement, and reduced risk of injuries.

Stress relief: Elevate & Energise provides a space for you to release tension and stress from your body and mind. The focus on mindful movement and play can help decrease stress levels, promote relaxation, and improve overall well-being.

Who Can Join Elevate & Energise

Elevate & Energise is suitable for all fitness levels, whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey.

Equipment Required:
Comfortable attire for easy movement is recommended, and don’t forget your trusty water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the session.

Join Us!

Join us at Elevate & Energise, where we believe in connecting the dots between your physical body, mind, and spirit for a truly holistic approach to wellness.