Core Yoga

What is Core Yoga?| How does Core Yoga benefit your wellbeing

Core Yoga: Strengthen Your Foundation


Discover the power of a holistic approach to core strength in our Core Yoga class. While many focus solely on waistline toning, this class delves deeper, targeting the myriad muscle groups that form your core.

Let’s our instructor show you more!

What to Expect in Core Yoga

Our class dives into the intricacies of the core, breaking it down into four key areas: back extensors, abdominals, lateral trunk muscles, and hip muscles. This comprehensive approach targets all 35 core muscle groups, offering a holistic strengthening experience.

Core Yoga ‘s Benefits

A robust core isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about functional strength and control. Enhancing your core stability lays the groundwork for improved posture, increased strength in various movements, and better everyday functionality.

Identifying signs of core weakness, such as reliance on arms for standing up, breath-holding during exercises, swaying while walking, or frequent lower back soreness, is the first step towards holistic strength development.

Who Can Join Core Yoga

Embark on a transformative journey towards a stronger, more balanced you. Experience Core Yoga and elevate your strength from within

What to Bring:

– Comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement.

– Towel

– A water bottle to stay hydrated.

Join Us!

Discover the harmonious amalgamation of movement, breath, and stillness in I AM Yoga. This all-encompassing practice invites you to explore relaxation and inner peace uniquely. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned practitioner, this class offers an inclusive space for personal growth and rejuvenation. Check our schedule and let the rhythm of I AM Yoga guide you towards a balanced and centered existence.